

1 - Head First C
David Griffiths and Dawn Griffiths
编程/技术 [1]: Ever wished there was an easier way to learn C from a book? Head First C is a complete learning experience that will show you how to create programs in the C language. This book helps you learn the C language with a unique method that goes...
2 - 编写可读代码的艺术
Boswell, D. and Foucher, T.
编程/技术 [2]: 细节决定成败,思路清晰、言简意赅的代码让程序员一目了然;而格式凌乱、拖沓冗长的代码让程序员一头雾水。除了可以正确运行以外,优秀的代码必须具备良好的可读性,编写的代码要使其他人能在最短的时间内理解才行。本书旨在强调代码对人的友好性和可读性。本书关注编码的细节,总结了很多提高代码可读性的小技巧,看似都微不足道,但是对于整个软件系统的开发而言,它们与宏观的架构决策、设计思想、指导原则同样重要。编码不仅仅只是一种技术,也是一门艺术,编写可读性高的代码尤其如此。如果你要成为一位优秀的...
3 - The Practice of Programming
Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike
编程/技术 [3]: With the same insight and authority that made their book The Unix Programming Environment a classic, Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike have written The Practice of Programming to help make individual programmers more effective and productive. T...
4 - 程序设计实践
Brian W. Kernighan Rob Pike
编程/技术 [4]: the practice of programming针对程序设计过程中的风格、算法与数据结构、设计与实现、界面、除错、测试、性 能、可移植性、记法等各个方面,系统地讨论了一些常见问题和实用技巧。通过对《程序设计实践(评注版)》的学习,读者可以快速掌握程序 设计的技巧及思想。本评注版力邀国内资深专家执笔,在英文原著基础上增加中文点评与注释,旨在融合二者之长,既保留经典的原创 文字与味道,又以先行者的学研心得与实践感悟,对读者阅读与学习加以点拨、指明捷径。
5 - The Unix Programming Environment
Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike
编程/技术 [5]: Designed for first-time and experienced users, this book describes the UNIX® programming environment and philosophy in detail. Readers will gain an understanding not only of how to use the system, its components, and the programs, but ...
7 - UNIX Shell实例精解
Ellie Quigley
编程/技术 [7]: The world’s #1 shell programming book—now fully updated for Linux and more!UNIX Shells by Example is the world’s #1 shell programming book, from the world’s #1 shell programming instructor: Ellie Quigley. In UNIX Shells by Example, Fourth...
8 - 算法导论
Thomas H.cormen and Charles E.leiserson and Ronald L.rivest and Clifford Stein
编程/技术 [8]: 在有关算法的书中,有一些叙述非常严谨,但不够全面;另一些涉及了大量的题材,但又缺乏严谨性。本书将严谨性和全面性融为一体,深入讨论各类算法,并着力使这些算法的设计和分析能为各个层次的读者接受。全书各章自成体系,可以作为独立的学习单元;算法以英语和伪代码的形式描述,具备初步程序设计经验的人就能看懂;说明和解释力求浅显易懂,不失深度和数学严谨性。全书选材经典、内容丰富、结构合理、逻辑清晰,对本科生的数据结构课程和研究生的算法课程都是非常实用的教材,在IT专业人员的职业生涯中,本书...
9 - 代码大全
Steve McConnell
编程/技术 [9]: 本书精选了《代码大全(第2版)》中的精华内容,包括各章“要点(Key Points)”以及“核对表(CHECKLIST)”的全部内容,便于读者在工作学习中随时查阅,极具参考价值。另外,本书还附有《深入解析Windows操作系统,第4版——Microsoft Windows Server 2003/Windows XP/Windows 2000技术内幕》第14章的内容,供广大读者试读。本书适合计算机相关专业学生和教师、软件开发人员、IT专业人员以及计算专业知识爱好者阅读和参考...
11 - 编程珠玑(第二版)
编程/技术 [11]:
12 - Programming Pearls
Jon Bentley
编程/技术 [12]: "The first edition of Programming Pearls was one of the most influential books I read early in my career, and many of the insights I first encountered in that book stayed with me long after I read it. Jon has done a wonderful job of updat...
13 - Beginning Python
Magnus Lie Hetland
编程/技术 [13]: Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional is the most comprehensive book on the Python ever written. Based on Practical Python, this newly-revised book is both an introduction and practical reference for a swath of Python-related prog...
14 - Algorithms in C
Robert Sedgewick
编程/技术 [14]: Software developers and computer scientists have eagerly awaited this comprehensive revision of Robert Sedgewick's landmark texts on algorithms. Sedgewick has completely revamped all five sections, illuminating today's best algorithms for...
15 - Ubuntu Unleashed 2012
Matthew Helmke
编程/技术 [15]: Ubuntu Unleashed is filled with unique and advanced information for everyone who wants to make the most of the Ubuntu Linux operating system. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated by a long-time Ubuntu community leader ...
16 - Core Java, Volume II--Advanced Features
Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell
编程/技术 [16]: Now completely revised for the highly-anticipated Java SE 7 platform, the classic Core Java™, Volume II–Advanced Features covers today's best practice techniques for advanced user interface programming, enterprise Java development, and Ri...
17 - Core Java™, Volume I--Fundamentals
Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell
编程/技术 [17]: This revised edition of the classic Core Java™, Volume I–Fundamentals, is the definitive guide to Java for serious programmers who want to put Java to work on real projects.Fully updated for the new Java SE 6 platform, this no-nonsense tu...
18 - C++沉思录
Koenig and 莫
编程/技术 [18]: 本书分别对C++语言的历史和特点、类和继承、STL与泛型编程、库的设计等几大技术话题进行了详细而深入的讨论。
19 - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
W. Richard Stevens and Stephen A. Rago
编程/技术 [19]: "Stephen Rago's update is a long overdue benefit to the community of professionals using the versatile family of UNIX and UNIX-like operating environments. It removes obsolescence and includes newer developments. It also thoroughly update...
20 - VC++深入详解
编程/技术 [20]: 《VC++深入详解》主要从程序内部运行的机制和MFC程序的组织脉络入手,使读者在学习VC++编程知识时,既能够知其然,又能知其所以然,从而帮助读者从根本上理解和掌握Windows的程序设计。另外,《VC++深入详解》还贯穿作者多年来学习编程的一些经验,以及一些学习方法的建议,为读者进一步的学习提供指导。   《VC++深入详解》从实际应用入手,由浅入深、循序渐进地讲述Windows程序内部运行机制、MFC框架、文本、菜单、对话框、文件操作、网络编程、进程间通信、Activ...
21 - The C Programming Language
Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
编程/技术 [21]: The computing world has undergone a revolution since the publication of the first edition of the C Programming Language. During this time, the C language has changed and spread beyond its origins as the language of the UNIX operating syst...
22 - Code Complete
Steve McConnell
编程/技术 [22]: 在线阅读本书 Widely considered one of the best practical guides to programming, Steve McConnells original CODE COMPLETE has been helping developers write better software for more than a decade. Now this classic book has been fully updated and...
23 - Stack Overflow - c (1194) - Jul 2012
编程/技术 [23]:
24 - C++ by Dissection
Ira Pohl
编程/技术 [24]:
25 - Cplusplus4c-eBooks-stlbook
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26 - Pro Git
Scott Chacon
编程/技术 [26]: licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 license
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