Bob's Home Library

Bob's Home Library

传记 [35]: 本书作者近距离地采访了与Facebook相关的人士,其中包括Facebook的创始人、员工、投资人、意向投资人以及合作伙伴,加起来超过了130人。这是真切详实的访谈,更是超级精彩的故事。作者以其细腻的笔触,精巧的叙事结构,解密了Facebook如何从哈佛的宿舍里萌发,创始人的内讧,权力之争,如何放弃华盛顿邮报的投资,怎样争取到第一个广告客户,而第一轮融资又如何获得一亿美元的估值,让人痴迷的图片产品如何上线,面对Twitter的竞争,与Google的世纪之争…&he...
Factory Girls(前六章)
Leslie T. Chang
历史/纪实 [40]: An eye-opening and previously untold story, Factory Girls is the first look into the everyday lives of the migrant factory population in China.  China has 130 million migrant workers—the largest migration in human history. In Factory Girl...
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Dahl Roald
童话 [17]: ReviewIn the tradition of The Adventures of Peter Rabbit, this is a "garden tale" of farmer versus vermin, or vice versa. The farmers in this case are a vaguely criminal team of three stooges: "Boggis and Bunce and Bean / One fat,...
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Jules Verne
科幻/奇幻/玄幻 [10]: The first Verne novel in which he perfected the "ingredients" of his later work, skilfully mixing a plot full of adventure and twists that hold the reader's interest with passages of technical, geographic, and historic description. The...
Edwin A. Abbot
科幻/奇幻/玄幻 [12]: How would a creature limited to two dimensions be able to grasp the possibility of a third? Edwin A. Abbott's droll and delightful "romance of many dimensions" explores this conundrum in the experiences of his protagonist, A Square, wh...
For the new intellectual: the philosophy of Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand
The Ayn Rand Library [2]: This is Ayn Rand's challenge to the prevalent philosophical doctrines of our time and the "atmosphere of guilt, of panic, of despair, of boredom, and of all-pervasive evasion" that they create. One of the most controversial ...
The Fountainhead
Ayn Rand
The Ayn Rand Library [6]: EDITORIAL REVIEW: **A special edition hardcover in celebration of Ayn Rand’s centennial.** When it was first published in 1943, *The Fountainhead*--containing Ayn Rand’s daringly original literary vision with the see...
Jonathan Franzen
国外名著 [17]: From the National Book Award-winning author of The Corrections, a darkly comedic novel about familyPatty and Walter Berglund were the new pioneers of old St. Paul—the gentrifiers, the hands-on parents, the avant-garde of the Whole Foods ge...
From Dictatorship To Democracy
哲学/宗教 [2]: 《From Dictatorship To Democracy》最初于1993 年在曼谷由恢xx复xx缅tt甸民fuck主委员会与《新fuck gggfffww时代》杂志(The. New Era Journal)联合出版。自那时以来,本书已译成至少八种文字并在塞尔维亚、泰国x@$!x等发行。是千年之后的第一个十年中颜!@#!色$%^#x系x#@$x列革xx^^^命的指xx导思xx想。