Bob's Home Library

Bob's Home Library

13/04 - 古龙全集(修订版)
武侠小说 [3]:
12/04 - 不能承受的生命之轻
国外名著 [22]: 《不能承受的生命之轻》是米兰·昆德拉最负盛名的作品。小说描写了托马斯与特丽莎、萨丽娜之间的感情生活。但它不是一个男人和两个女人的三角性爱故事,它是一部哲理小说,小说从“永恒轮回”的讨论开始,把读者带入了对一系列问题的思考中,比如轻与重、灵与肉。   《不能承受的生命之轻》是一部意象繁复的书,其中装载了多种涵义:被政治化了的社会内涵的揭示、人性考察、个人命运在特定历史与政治语境下的呈现,以及对两性关系本质上的探索等。昆德拉将这些元素糅合在一起,写成一部非同凡响的小说——其中既...
17/01 - On The Road
Jack Kerouac
小说 [55]: A 50th anniversary hardcover edition of Kerouacs classic novel that defined a generation Few novels have had as profound an impact on American culture as On the Road. Pulsating with the rhythms of 1950s underground America, jazz, sex, illic...
19/10 - The Golden Road
Lucy Maud Montgomery
小说 [36]: The Golden Road is a 1913 novel by Canadian author L. M. Montgomery. As a child, Montgomery learned many stories from her great aunt Mary Lawson. She later used these in The Story Girl and The Golden Road. Montgomery married on July 5th 1911...