Bob's Home Library

Bob's Home Library

13 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
小说 [13]: Amid the foggy streets of sinister London and the even more sinister countryside, Holmes and Watson once more solve the unsolvable. This book is a collection of stories, including - "A Scandal in Bohemia", "A Case of Identity", "The Red-Head...
21 - 福尔摩斯探案全集
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
小说 [21]: 最经典的群众出版社的翻译版本,一经出版,立即风靡成千上万的中国人。离奇的情节,扣人的悬念,世界上最聪明的侦探,人间最诡秘的案情,福尔摩斯不但让罪犯无处藏身,也让你的脑细胞热情激荡,本套书获第一届全国优秀外国文学图书奖。