Bob's Home Library

Bob's Home Library

Oscar Wilde
书信 [1]: 我人生有两大转折点:一是父亲送我进牛津,一是社会送我进监狱。碰上你,对我是危险的,而在那个特定时候碰上你,对我则成了致命。命运将我们两个互不相干的生命丝丝缕缕编成了一个血红的图案,你的确真心爱过我。即使你拒绝收我的信,我也会照写不误,这样你就会知道,不管怎样,总是有信在等着你。 《自深深处》是王尔德写给他的同性恋伙伴道格拉斯的一封长信,这封信是王尔德在牢狱生活的最后几个月内写成的,信中充满了以道格拉斯爱恨交织的情绪,同时还集中阐述了王尔德的艺术观、生活观。(子乌注:文中有数字标注...
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde
小说 [11]: When The Picture of Dorian Gray was first published in 1891, it evoked a tremendous amount of hostile criticism, in most part due to its immoral content. Oscar Wilde was identified with the "art for art's sake" movement of the nineteenth cen...
Oscar Wilde
戏剧 [2]: 独幕剧
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
Oscar Wilde
童话 [5]: This beautiful and remarkable little wonder of a book includes "The Happy Prince," "The Nightingale and the Rose," "The Selfish Giant," "The Devoted Friend," and "The Remarkable Rocket." Wilde is a man remembered for plays like "The Importanc...
Oscar Wilde
童话 [9]: 這本《王爾德童話》的譯者是王林。內含:快樂王子、自私的巨人、夜鶯與玫瑰、神奇的火箭, 少年國王、小公主的生日、漁夫和他的靈魂、星孩八個故事。大概每個人小時候都看過,若沒看過,或不記得了。現在有機會再看一遍,應仍是有趣。