Bob's Home Library

Bob's Home Library

19/01 - 夏焰之巨龙
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
龙枪 [7]: 故事发生在长枪之战很久以后。老一辈英雄已经老去,他们的儿女成长起来,面对的是再次开始动荡的克莱恩世界。帕林(Palin),卡拉蒙和提卡的儿子,一位白袍法师,企图进入无尽深渊(the Abyss)寻找他的叔叔——雷斯林;斯蒂尔·布莱特布雷德(Steel Brightblade,就是最近有翻译成“史钢”的。不过对这种译法紫晶实在不敢恭维,要说翻出steel的意思译成钢·布莱特布雷德还说得过去,但史东可不是姓“史”是姓“布莱特布雷德”啊!)——史东和奇蒂拉的儿子,也正准备随黑暗骑士进攻...
19/01 - “灵魂之战”第一部:落日之巨龙
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
龙枪 [8]: 在漫長的歲月中,克萊恩世界的居民歷經了多次戰火的洗禮。部分倖存者依然記得善良勢力在長槍之戰所獲得的勝利,而更多的人則對結束了第四紀元的混沌之戰記憶猶新。 但如今,一場新的戰爭又將興起。而且勢將比過去所有戰爭都更加慘烈,因為它所牽動的,是這世界自身的魂與魄。 它就是,靈魂之戰。
19/01 - “灵魂之战”第二部:陨星之巨龙
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
龙枪 [9]: 所向披靡的神祕軍團橫掃克萊恩。一名年輕女子在黑暗騎士團護衛之下,呼喚未知神祇的力量為她的部隊帶來勝利。死靈剝奪了生者的魔法,惡龍暴君威脅著精靈最摯愛珍惜的故土。 在混亂的局勢之中,一群勇敢無私的英雄挺身對抗無情阻撓他們的至上力量。席捲而來的黑暗即將吞沒所有的希望、信仰,與所有的光明。 靈魂之戰方興未艾。
19/01 - “灵魂之战”第三部:逝月之巨龙
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
龙枪 [10]: 戰火吞噬了安塞隆大陸。信奉唯一真神的神祕戰士米娜,率領著亡靈軍團邁向征服之路。幾位英雄在絕望之際依然頑強抵抗,守護微渺的一線生機。 兩位意想不到的角色躍上歷史舞台。一位是不肯輕易放棄統治的惡龍暴君,另一位是精力旺盛的坎德人;而他詭異的神奇旅程最終卻將以出人意料的驚奇方式結束。 靈魂之戰烽火熾烈。
18/01 - The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
Gladwell Malcolm
Gladwell Malcolm [1]:   "The best way to understand the dramatic transformation of unknown books into bestsellers, or the rise of teenage smoking, or the phenomena of word of mouth or any number of the other mysterious changes that mark everyday life...
18/01 - Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Gladwell Malcolm
Gladwell Malcolm [2]:   Blink is about the first two seconds of looking--the decisive glance that knows in an instant. Gladwell, the best-selling author of The Tipping Point, campaigns for snap judgments and mind reading with a gift for translating r...
18/01 - Outliers
Gladwell Malcolm
Gladwell Malcolm [3]: In this book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of 'outliers'. He asks the question - what makes high achievers different? His answer is that we pay too much attention to what successful peop...
18/01 - What the Dog Saw
Gladwell Malcolm
Gladwell Malcolm [4]:
18/01 - Life
Keith Richards
传记 [3]:
18/01 - Washington
Ron Chernow
传记 [4]:   In his introduction, veteran biographer Chernow is clear about his goals. Using the recent "explosion of research," he wants to render George Washington "real" and "credible," to replace "frosty respect" with "visceral appreciation." In man...
18/01 - I Remember Nothing
Nora Ephron
传记 [5]: Reading these succinct, razor-sharp essays by veteran humorist (I Feel Bad About My Neck), novelist, and screenwriter-director Ephron is to be reminded that she cut her teeth as a New York Post writer in the 1960s, as she recounts in the most...
18/01 - Decision Points
George W. Bush
传记 [7]: In this candid and gripping account, President George W. Bush describes the critical decisions that shaped his presidency and personal life.
18/01 - Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain
Portia de Rossi
传记 [9]: From“Anorexia was my first love,” de Rossi declares in her memoir of her early Hollywood career and the eating disorders that went along with it. Her unflinching self-portrait depicts a cripplingly self-conscious young Australian in LA overwh...
18/01 - All the Devils Are Here
Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera
传记 [10]: Two business journalists examine the financial crisis of 2008.
18/01 - The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
历史/纪实 [12]: ReviewThe Emperor of All Maladies illustrates how modern treatments--multi-pronged chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, as well as preventative care--came into existence thanks to a century's worth of research, trials, and sma...
18/01 - 月亮和六便士
国外名著 [4]:   《月亮和六便士》是毛姆的三大长篇力作之一,完成于1919年。毛姆,一个出生于法国的英国人,他是以戏剧成名的小说家,也是一个拥有博士学位的骑士,他在20世纪初,风靡了整个世纪和世界。他的这部小说问世后,以情节入胜、文字深刻在文坛轰动一时,人们争相传看。在这部小说里,毛姆用第一人称的叙述手法,借“我”之口,叙述了整个故事,有人认为这篇小说的原型是法国印象派画家高更,这更增加了它的传奇色彩,受到了全世界读者的关注。   书中讲述了主人公原是位证券经纪人,人届中年后突然响应内心的...
18/01 - 人性的枷锁
国外名著 [5]:   《人生的枷锁》是毛姆的代表作,具有明显的自传色彩。   小说主人公菲利普·凯里自幼父母双亡,不幸又先天残疾,在冷漠而陌生的环境中度过了童年,性格因此孤僻而敏感。在寄宿学校度过的岁月让他饱受了不合理的学校制度的摧残,而当他走入社会后,又在爱情上经历了伤痛。在坎坷的人生道路上,他每跨一步,都要付出艰辛的挣扎,但思想和个性都独立不羁的凯里,一直努力挣脱宗教和小市民意识这两条禁锢自己精神的桎梏,力图在混沌纷扰的生活漩流中,寻求人生的真谛。
18/01 - Moby Dick
Herman Melville
国外名著 [26]: Killing a sixty-ton sperm whale that could destroy a boat with a flick of its massive tail was no easy task. Whalemen of the early nineteenth century were not just hunters, they were also explorers—sailing on the uncharted sea in search of...
18/01 - Treasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson
小说 [9]: While going through the possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the mistress of the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads them to a pirate's fortune.
18/01 - I, Robot
Doctorow, Cory
科幻/奇幻/玄幻 [1]: "I, Robot" is a science-fiction short story by Cory Doctorow published in 2005. The story is set in the type of police state needed to ensure that only one company is allowed to make robots, and only one type of robot is allowed. The st...
18/01 - The Time Machine
H. G. Wells
科幻/奇幻/玄幻 [2]: The book's protagonist is an amateur inventor or scientist living in London who is never named; he is identified simply as The Time Traveller. Having demonstrated to friends using a miniature model that time is a fourth dimension, and t...
18/01 - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Lyman Frank Baum
童话 [3]: Dorothy is a young girl who lives on a Kansas farm with her Uncle Henry, Aunt Em, and little dog Toto. One day the farmhouse, with Dorothy inside, is caught up in a tornado and deposited in a field in the country of the Munchkins. The falling...
18/01 - Peter Pan (Peter and Wendy)
J.M. Barrie
童话 [4]: Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up and Peter and Wendy are the stage play and novel (respectively) which tell the story of Peter Pan, a mischievous little boy who can fly, and his adventures on the island of Neverland with Wendy Darli...
18/01 - 十亿消费者
James McGregor
经济 [2]:
17/01 - 红与黑(闻家驷译本)
国外名著 [1]: 小说紧紧围绕主人公于连个人奋斗与最终失败的经历这一主线,广泛展现了“19世纪最初30年间压在法国人民头上的历届政府所带来的社会风气”,反映了19世纪早期法国的政治和社会生活中的一些本质问题。   在艺术上,小说以深刻细腻的笔调,广泛运用独白和自由联想等多种艺术手法,充分展示了主人公的心灵空间,挖掘出了主人公深层意识的活动,从而开创了后世“意识流小说”、“心理小说”的先河,司汤达因此被后人称为“现代小说之父”。 译本简介: 书库中现存的译本是人民文学出版社的版本,译者应该是张冠...
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