Bob's Home Library

Bob's Home Library

03/01 - 霍乱时期的爱情
国外名著 [37]: 《霍乱时期的爱情》是加西亚马尔克斯获诺贝尔文学奖后发表的又一力作,通过魔幻现实主义的手法,他把一对恋人用一生时间的爱恋,描绘成了波澜壮阔的爱情史诗,而这个爱情史诗不过是由哥伦比亚的一对普通人来完成的。这部小说包罗万象地描绘了各种各样的爱情,忠贞的、淫荡的、花心的、转瞬即逝的和生死相依的;关于人类情欲的展示和对无望爱情的守候,没有超过这部小说的了。
03/01 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
小说 [13]: Amid the foggy streets of sinister London and the even more sinister countryside, Holmes and Watson once more solve the unsolvable. This book is a collection of stories, including - "A Scandal in Bohemia", "A Case of Identity", "The Red-Head...
03/01 - 希区柯克短篇故事集
小说 [18]: 希区柯克短篇故事集
03/01 - 盔甲骑士
小说 [19]:   噙着心灵的泪水,和骑士一起寻回失去的自我。 随时准备跳上战马,向四面八方冲去,铲除作恶多端的恶龙,拯救遇难的美丽少女……骑士的故事震撼了全球读者的心灵!这本由当代著名喜剧作家罗伯特·费希尔创作的探索生命本质的钻石般的杰作,成为数以亿计的读者的珍爱。除英语外,它还被译为加泰罗尼亚语、汉语、法语、德语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语、希腊语、希伯来语、日语等数十种语言。骑士的故事传遍了世界的每一个角落,骑士的盔甲已成为禁锢人们自由身心的一切面具的代名词。骑士的历程犹如我们每一个人...
03/01 - 时间简史
科学 [2]:   《时间简史》讲述是探索时间和空间核心秘密的故事,是关于宇宙本性的最前沿知识,包括我们的宇宙图像、空间和时间、膨胀的宇宙不确定性原理、基本粒子和自然的力、黑洞、黑洞不是这么黑、时间箭头等内容。第一版中的许多理论预言,后来在对微观或宏观宇宙世界观测中得到证实。   自1988年首版以来,《时间简史》已成为全球科学著作的里程碑。它被翻译成40种文字,销售了近1000万册。此版更新了内容,把许多观测揭示的新知识,以及霍金最新的研究纳入。
03/01 - 纳兰词笺注
诗词 [1]: 纳兰词笺注
03/01 - 我的名字叫做红
诺贝尔文学奖 [106]: 2006年诺贝尔文学奖 获奖理由:“在追求他故乡忧郁的灵魂时发现了文明之间的冲突和交错的新象征”
03/01 - 原来你非不快乐
随笔 [2]: 这本书是林夕在2007年至2008年间写作的关于人生与社会生活的作品专集,围绕“快乐/不快乐”的主题,内容涉及心境、工作、时事、社会民生、生命等等多个方面的思考。用他自己的话来说,就是直面“不快乐”,将苦痛解剖,从而找到真正的长久的快乐,以安稳人生,改塑生活的面貌和品质。文字上承袭林夕词作一向的精致风格,蕴涵与晓畅兼备,殊值品味。
03/01 - 有关品味(2012.12.2更新)
随笔 [3]: “品位”是种什么东西,我想那是个花钱且麻烦的游戏。我从来没有奢望拥有游艇、赛马或男管家对那种纯黄铜饰物和密码锁的鳄鱼皮包,也提不起兴趣。更别说玩味那些“妙到毫巅”的生活细节,比如,纯粹的喀什么米尔羊绒、手工缝制的科尔多瓦皮鞋,用苏特恩清蒸的肥鹅肝……我得承认,有时候,这些诱人的“品位”极其美好,而且可能一试上瘾,这种感觉,就是你在尝过真正的鱼子酱子之后,那种伴随绝望的迷醉,我艳羡,我欣赏,也有一点渴望,假如没有了这偶尔享用的盛宴,生活又会变成什么样。书中除了专谈有意放纵挥霍的文章...
03/01 - 一只狗的生活意见
随笔 [4]: 一只狗的生活意见 SUMMARY: 本书是一只名叫仔仔的狗以第一人称自居,历数自已从出生到成为名流的经过,以及它对人性、命运、人生、爱情、快乐、政治、生存之道的独特看法。作者不着痕迹的高妙手法,不仅重新审视了人类心灵与社会现象,更唤醒了人类与动物间千百年来业已存在的神秘情感。全书充溢着人文情怀,嘻笑喷饭之余,更教人感泣动容。彼得·梅尔(Peter Mayle)英藉知名作家彼得·梅尔曾任国际大广告公司的高级主管,在广告界任职达
03/01 - 龙枪编年史
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
龙枪 [2]:   《龙枪编年史》里的英雄会疲倦、会流泪,也会犯错。他们的世界也是充满了冲突、歧视以及不平等的待遇。与其他人不同的只是,他们决定反抗,反抗阶级上的歧视,反抗精灵对人类的仇恨,反抗骑士僵硬死板的荣誉体制;他们牺牲了自己可能拥有的一切,只为了争取他们认为正确的价值。   在龙枪的世界克莱恩中,不再“从此之后过着幸福快乐的日子”。克莱恩不是童话世界,故事中的每个人都会流血,都有可能为了达到自己的目标而牺牲。英雄将不再是谈笑用兵的无敌强者,他们大多数是背负着诅咒,和宿命搏斗的悲剧英雄。 ...
10/09 - 朗读者
国外名著 [18]: 战后的德国萧条破败,一个15岁的少年在电车上病倒了,他独自下车,行走在滂沱大雨中,最后在一个逼仄的过道里吐得一塌糊涂,一个36岁的陌生女人帮助了他……   3个月后,少年伯格从突如其来的猩红热侵袭中恢复过来,他只是为了去感谢那个曾经在他生病时给予过他帮助的女人,但是,情欲,或者是爱情,在15岁的少年伯格心中渐渐燃烧起来。   电车售票员汉娜总是让伯格为她朗读,《荷马史诗》、《带小狗的女人》、《战争与和平》,在伯格的朗读中,汉娜像个孩子似的时而痛哭,时而大笑,那个夏天,是他们...
13/08 - Philosophy: who needs it
Ayn Rand
The Ayn Rand Library [1]: This collection of essays was the last work planned by Ayn Rand before her death in 1982. In it, she summarizes her view of philosophy and deals with a broad spectrum of topics. According to Ayn Rand, the choice we make is n...
13/08 - The Early Ayn Rand: A Selection from Her Unpublished Fiction
Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff
The Ayn Rand Library [2]: In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Ayn Rand's birth, this newly revised collection of her early fiction ranges from works written from 1926 through 1940, and includes her previously unpublished short story, "The Nigh...
13/08 - For the new intellectual: the philosophy of Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand
The Ayn Rand Library [2]: This is Ayn Rand's challenge to the prevalent philosophical doctrines of our time and the "atmosphere of guilt, of panic, of despair, of boredom, and of all-pervasive evasion" that they create. One of the most controversial ...
13/08 - Anthem
Ayn Rand
The Ayn Rand Library [3]: The year 2005 marks Ayn Rand's Centennial Year. Ayn Rand's classic tale of a future dark age of the great ?We??a world that deprives individuals of name, independence, and values?anticipates her later masterpieces, The Foun...
13/08 - We the Living
Ayn Rand
The Ayn Rand Library [4]: EDITORIAL REVIEW: **The first literary work of one of the most influential philosophers and novelists of the twentieth century-available for the first time in trade paperback.** Ayn Rand wrote of her first novel, *We th...
13/08 - Capitalism: the unknown ideal
Ayn Rand
The Ayn Rand Library [5]: As an interesting relic of the past, this outlandish piece of propaganda is worth the listener's time, even though the author's overconfident sense of her own rightness and persistence at pressing her points with little resp...
13/08 - The Fountainhead
Ayn Rand
The Ayn Rand Library [6]: EDITORIAL REVIEW: **A special edition hardcover in celebration of Ayn Rand’s centennial.** When it was first published in 1943, *The Fountainhead*--containing Ayn Rand’s daringly original literary vision with the see...
13/08 - The virtue of selfishness: a new concept of egoism
Ayn Rand and Nathaniel Branden
The Ayn Rand Library [7]: Ayn Rand here sets forth the moral principles of Objectivism, the philosophy that holds man's life--the life proper to a rational being--as the standard of moral values and regards altruism as incompatible with man's nature,...
23/07 - Too Big to Fail
Andrew Ross Sorkin
经济 [9]: Andrew Ross Sorkin delivers the first true behind-the-scenes, moment-by-moment account of how the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression developed into a global tsunami. From inside the corner office at Lehman Brothers to secret...
14/06 - Psych: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Read
William Rabkin
Psych [1]: Based on the hit usa network TELEVISION series A tie-in readers will be totally “psyched” about... Shawn Spencer has convinced everyone he’s psychic. Now, HE HAS TO either clean up— or be found out… After the PSYCH detective agency get...
14/06 - Mind over Magic
William Rabkin
Psych [2]: Based on the hit usa network series Shawn Spencer has convinced everyone he's psychic. Now, he's either going to clean up- or be found out. Murder and Magic are all in the mind... When a case takes Shawn and Gus into an exclusive club ...
07/06 - Rabbit, Run
John Updike
Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom novels [1]: It's 1959 and Harry 'Rabbit' Angstrom, one time high school sports superstar, is going nowhere. At twenty-six he is trapped in a second-rate existence - stuck with a fragile, alcoholic wife, a house full of overflo...
26/04 - 搜神记 I 神农使者
搜神记 [1]: 不错的书
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